00:05 Show Introduction
00:41 Cassie's Introduction
00:55 Double Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours: Next 2 Steps 1) Mirror Your Future Self 2) Step Into Your Future Self
1:11 Do all steps in order and if you need to go back and do the past steps
1:29 FREE Double Your Business with Cassie Video Series
2:00 Relish in the experience of success because of having gone through the process
4:32 Double Your Business Book on Amazon is available and thank you for downloads and reviews
5:40 Mirroring your future self
6:06 Invest in something your future self would have
7:36 Your future self lives in your home and what you focus on expands
9:32 Vision board collage
11:29 Analyze the snapshot of current and future lives
12:19 Appreciate the things that are in both lives
12:47 Determine what isn't in your life yet
13:25 List how you can get more of those things that aren't there yet
14:02 Quicker and easier way
14:14 How to get your current life to look like your future life
15:22 Step into your future life by engaging with experience and feelings
16:28 Feel into your future life
18:37 Things will show up that fit into your future life
19:19 Tap into your future life now
20:40 Carrie, The Realtor example
21:53 Come from your future self
23:03 Client success
23:36 The path will appear
24:05 Manifest 10K group and book
25:00 Start receiving your life by following the steps
26:30 Mantra
26:50 Cassie wraps up
27:16 Show end