Timing of the Show
00:05 Show Introduction
00:37 Cassie Parks introduction
00:54 How You Can Mess Up The Process of Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours
1:54 Give you to tools so you know you have them
2:02 Teach you how to navigate if you get stuck
2:10 Live workshop at the enchanted palace and all the people who showed up over the last year and even before that
3:30 Focus on one thing but remember the moments where no one showed up
4:03 Use this process to have people show up and invest.
5:15 Remember where you have been
5:30 The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon
6:00 Grab a free 4-part video course at http://doubleyourbusinesswithcassie.com
6:25 Here is what might go wrong
7:45 Not setting a high enough income intention
11:00 Not scripting from the place of your future budget
13:55 Follow all the steps and staying in tune
14:10 Catch yourself thinking (I thought or I think)
15:08 The magic pill
16:18 Whispers, intuition and knowing the next steps
18:18 I want to write a book
20:23 When things come from your future self they are calm
20:38 Go through the whole process
21:38 Just keep going
23:30 Lean into your feelings
25:51 Ways to get off track so it is easier to stay on track
26:50 If upport in this process http://liveyourchampangelife.com andclick on the Work with Cassie button
27:23 Success story: A realtor read my book Manifest10K and shared her success
28:02 Mantra: I stay the course.
28:08 Double Your Business 4-part video course at http://doubleyourbusinesswithcassie.com
28:16 Closing of the Call
28:41 End